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About Us

Helping Individuals and Small Business Owners Navigate Their Taxes

Celebrating our 10th year, Joel B Forbes, LLC has successfully helped clients file tax returns, defend IRS and state agency inquiries and audits, and helped individuals and businesses plan in a constantly changing tax environment.

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Meet Joel Forbes

Joel Forbes has been a practicing CPA for the last 14 years. His early focus was working with national and multi-national corporations on U.S. federal tax credit and incentives with the tax division of a national accounting firm. In 2012, he left to follow his dream of having his own tax practice and opened Joel B Forbes, CPA LLC.

Leveraging his experience with large companies, he brought many of the processes and tools to help individuals and small business more effectively manage their tax liability and successfully deal with tax controversies.

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Navigating your finances doesn't have to be a hassle.

Schedule a consultation today to see how we can help you mitigate your taxes, and protect your wealth.

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